(Old Hand)
23/11/08 15:10
"Awesome" keyboard & 3rd party websites

It is possible to use "awesome" keyboard that comes with this radio instead of default PSP on-screen keyboards on 3rd party websites.

If you are a webmaster and able to edit web pages on your website, then you can make "awesome" keyboard appear when user clicks on the text field or textarea.

In order to do this you have to add the following parameter to the input text element you wish to use:


For example, you have a input name field:

<input type="text" name="username">

To add command that will trigger "awesome" keyboard when the page is viewed on the psp radio, add the onmousedown event:

<input type="text" name="username" onmousedown="(top.keyboard)?top.keyboard.inputText(this):'';">

This is all.